Thursday, April 4, 2019

Entry Two - The Return of New York's Dog Museum: is it Worthwhile?

The Return of New York's Dog Museum: is it Worthwhile?

          The thoughts, ideas, comments, and opinions presented in this blog entry are solely our own. They have not been swayed by an outside party by any sort. 

          Hello everyone, and welcome to the first blog entry for The Adventures of Meg and Duffy! As one might expect, this blog is where we discuss topics that would be otherwise be hard to fit onto the Twitter account. One of these topics pertains to the American Kennel Club's Museum of the Dog.

          As the name suggests, the AKC's Museum of the Dog is a museum dedicated to dog-related exhibitions. Originally, the museum was located at the AKC's headquarters in New York City. However, a rise in visitors and collection pieces meant that the museum had to move. This happened in 1987, when the museum was moved to St. Louis. The museum would stay there for 32 years, until it moved back to New York this year. The relocated museum opened on February 9th, and has been a prominent dog-themed attraction in the Big Apple.

Here's a video of the museum when it was in St. Louis.

          Some exhibits at the Museum of the Dog include a digital dog that visitors can train, show trophies, and a vitrine for displaying porcelain figures of dogs.

Here's a video of the museum in its new location in New York. Quite the improvement, is it not?

Thomas's Thoughts
          Personally, I find it a tad ironic that the Museum of the Dog would move back to New York City. As one could probably guess, the American Kennel Club heavily emphasizes purebred dogs. However, I have seen a lot of New Yorkers who own mixed breed dogs instead. In fact, if you go on The Dogist's instagram page, you'll notice that most of the dogs featured on the page are mixed breeds. Granted, The Dogist also features purebreds, but even a cursory glance on the Dogist's instagram shows that they heavily focus on mixed breeds.

          That being said, I am not disparaging purebred dogs nor the people who are into them. At the end of the day, mixed breeds and purebreds are still dogs and what matters is that their respective owners give them a loving home. Also, the Museum of the Dog doesn't have to be the only dog-related museum in the US. As such, maybe there can be a dog museum that celebrates rescue dogs and mixed breeds. That way, people can develop a greater appreciation of other types of dogs. Regardless, I believe that the AKC's Museum of the Dog is worth visiting to witness the evolution of humanity's relationship with dogs.

Duffy's Thoughts
           Yeehaw! A dog museum in New York? I'd go if I were allowed! Thomas can even make a statue of me and donate it to the museum. If they wonder what kind of breed I am, I reckon they can pass me off as a South Carolinian Goofhound. They won't check, right? Right? 

Meg's Thoughts
lol who cares about some dumb dog museum ðŸ˜¸ðŸ˜ºðŸ˜¹. Im a cat hun, we the ones who need a museum

          What are your thoughts on the AKC's Museum of the Dog? Feel free to let us know in the comments!


  1. This was great. I want to check this place out. Also they should allow cats, maybe it would have bridge the divide.

  2. Very fun Twitter and informative blog post!
